New Perspective

At mid-life, it’s sometimes hard for me to think about future plans and goals. I feel like I should be in the midst of realizing the plans and goals set in my youth, not creating new ones. Then I read again about Abraham who was not young when God set him on a new path that led into an unknown future (Genesis 12:1-4). The story of Abraham gives me a new perspective for reflecting on Scripture I’ve studied many times.

With this new perspective, I am again reminded of where to place my focus and how to let God direct my steps even as I plan my way (Proverbs 16:9). Here are just a few examples:

Wait and Live

Further, I realize that waiting on God and living by his word is the only way to really solidify the direction of my life even as I live within its halfway point. I am forced to live what I’ve told others many times:

Never stop learning and growing and hoping and achieving.

God is good, and he still wants to do good in my life. So I wait for him and follow the path he sets for me.

“For since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him. You welcome those who cheerfully do good, who follow godly ways.” (Isaiah 64:4-5)