Balance does not necessarily mean equal. A heavier item on one side of a scale can be balanced by many lighter ones on the other side. So, too, in our lives. Weightier items are balanced by lighter ones. Complicated by simple.

Sometimes, we find balance by simplifying as much as possible, but it also comes with realizing that some things are just complicated and that simple does not necessarily mean light. Simple things can have a tremendous amount of weight to them.

Seek balance but realize life is often unbalanced. Seek simplicity, knowing complication is unavoidable. Even seek simplicity in one area because you know another is complicated. Balance takes constant effort, after all, and we often only keep from falling over when we keep moving forward (think of riding a bike).

Life wasn’t promised to be free of struggle. God did promise help in that struggle, though, and that brings great comfort and encouragement.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

As you seek to obtain and maintain balance in your life, consider the role that simplicity can play in that journey.