Changing Seasons While the extremes vary, everyone experiences changing seasons no matter where they live. Even Hawaii changes seasons, though not an extreme difference and...
Being Intentional Intentional: On purpose; deliberate; thought out Antonyms: Accidental; unplanned; disregarded; neglected; unstudied Most of us want to live a well-thought-out life. We want...
Seven Days in Utopia When athletes talk about finding their game, they refer to playing at their best on a consistent basis. Physical training supplements...
Avoiding a Shipwrecked Faith Avoiding a Shipwrecked Faith is a struggle all Christians face and many go through. Knowing how to avoid one and how to...
Causes of Shipwrecks Shipwrecks are usually caused by one of many reasons. The most common are poor design, instability, navigational errors, weather, warfare, effects of...