What is Accountability? Being accountable means being responsible and answerable. Accountability means basing actions on what we believe is honorable and truthful and not simply...
Principles of Balance In thinking about balance, several principles stand out as universal in our struggle. As we work to obtain and maintain balance, we...
What is Vertigo? Running into walls. Immobilized. Flat on the floor. Room spinning like a tilt-a-whirl. Vertigo – way beyond mere dizziness – often strikes...
Choosing Silence My favorite times of silence are bike rides, running, hiking, kayaking, and mornings sitting outside. These times are not absent of sound, but...
Lincoln’s T-Mails Even though Abraham Lincoln had no precedent for how to use it, he brilliantly integrated the new electronic communication of his day...
Our prayers can be hindered for a variety of reasons, including Satan messing with them (Daniel 10:1-13), our own sin, selfishness and pride (James 4:1-3),...