Remember a time when you felt braver simply because you had someone next to you? For me, it’s socializing with an extroverted friend because I’m introverted and feel awkward with small talk. It’s also traveling with my husband to wherever, especially on turbulent flights, because he’s such an experienced traveler.
I believe these are examples of God working through others and him being present in my life in a physical sense. There are also those times when it’s just me, but God’s presence is even more real. Point is, he’s always present, and this is a truth I choose to believe regardless of my feelings.
“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” (Psalm 16:8)
Notice that on both sides of “I will not be shaken” is an acknowledgement of God’s presence. He’s like two pillars holding me up and keeping me steady.
While I know this, I am always encouraged when I actually feel it, too. Feeling God’s presence usually comes when I focus on and believe what he says in his word. Even when my feelings don’t line up with what I believe, I can still choose to believe he’s there anyway.
Belief brings confidence. It relieves tension.
Because I believe my extroverted friends will help me socialize, I am more confident with them in social situations. And because I believe my husband knows what he’s doing when he travels, I feel confident in new and unsteady travel situations when he’s by my side. I don’t have to feel tense because I know I am not facing the situation alone.
In a much more powerful way, because I believe what God says in his word about always being with me and always beside me, I will not be flustered, jolted, overcome, rattled, upset, shook up, or unnerved. In other words, I will not live in the tension that comes with being shaken because I believe God’s presence.