Changing Seasons
While the extremes vary, everyone experiences changing seasons no matter where they live. Even Hawaii changes seasons, though not an extreme difference and only between two different seasons (summer and winter).
If you think changing seasons are unchangeable events, think again. Climate change experts say that the timing of seasons is now changing.
The Earth’s seasons have shifted back in the calendar year, with the hottest and coldest days of the years now occurring almost two days earlier, a new study finds. This shift could be the work of global warming, the researchers say. (Timing of Seasons is Changing)
Yes, even the changing seasons are becoming more unpredictable, though if you live in a place like I do (Michigan) that has always been the case. Our season changes are extreme, and you simply love or hate it. I’ve actually heard of people missing the extreme changes after moving to a place with less seasonal change.
If you live in an area of extreme seasonal changes, you have to admit to the beauty of every season. I’ll admit, it’s sometimes hard to see when it’s hot and humid or rainy or bitter cold or there’s a foot of snow on the ground or you experience rain, fog, snow and cold with a 40-degree temperature drop all in one day.
Change – unexpected or not – keeps life interesting.
Life’s Seasons
Our lives have seasons too, some expected and some not. Some people embrace the change, some resist; most do both, and all are at times surprised when change takes place.
Staunchly resisting change is futile as well as unhealthy. We all know this both by observation and experience, but it doesn’t stop us from stubbornly resisting change at times.
Why do we sometimes resist the changing of life’s seasons and other times embrace them? Why do we in our hearts often wish things wouldn’t change?
The answers to these questions are unique to every person. What we all have in common, though, is the need for stability within change.
Stability Within Change
Stability within change is essential for thriving as the seasons inevitably change in our lives. For Christians, this means focusing on God who does not change.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 )
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1:17
As the seasons of life morph in both expected and unexpected ways, I am learning to lean heavily on Jesus. The hope he gives keeps me stable amidst the changes of the many extremes in my life.
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” Hebrews 6:19
bill (cycleguy)
I like change. Sameness is boring although when it comes to cycling and the weather I want it to stay warm. 🙂 Life is full of changes. I try to embrace them without losing sleep or getting heartburn over them. it's life. Move on.
Kari Scare
Some people certainly handle change better than others. Learning to embrace them because they'll happen anyway is key.
Seasons change, and even the certainty of when exactly the season changes take place changes, but just like the seasons of good and bad in our lives, God is unchanged. His grace resides the same yesterday as today, and tomorrow will be no different. I have experienced the gray, dreary days of winter in New Jersey and Pennsylvania which spurred my return to my Southern roots years ago, but even in the sunny South, there are gray, bleak winter days – they are just not as many and not as dreary and filled with snow. Of course, I've also slogged my way through challenging seasons of uncertainty in my life that little to do with the sun and earth's relationship. The one conclusion I have learned from my many years, God remains faithful to carry us into sunnier days, better days again, when life blooms anew and our souls are renewed. When we recognize that God is with us, hope thrives. When we try to slog our way through the dreary and bleak seasons in our lives, hope whithers. In God's presence like the leaves of the trees planted beside the waters, they remain green and fruit-bearing – so too our souls, if we keep a firm grip on God's ever providential care for us. Dreary, bleak seasons of time come and go only to remind us of warmer, sunnier days that God offers us without fail – the proverbial greener pastures and still waters. Thank you, Kari for reminding me, my wife and I had just talked about you and our memorable visit to Michigan last Summer.