As children, we view ourselves through our parents’ eyes, through their approval and disapproval. As teenagers, the opinion of our peers becomes a significant influence. As adults, we wrestle with comparisons as well as obtaining whatever view of success that creates. Because we live in an imperfect world, we are influenced by imperfect views of ourselves, both through the imperfect eyes of others as well as through our own imperfect vision.
Fortunately, another factor can influence how we view ourselves. God fills the gaps of imperfection, gaps we all have in our self-esteem as we live this side of Heaven. As His children, we can see ourselves through the eyes of perfection. He is the perfect parent who dotes and lavishes love on His children, and a focus on that can give us a whole new way of viewing ourselves.
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)
In the story of the widow in Luke 21:1-4, we read of a woman who put all the money she had into the temple treasury. Jesus recognized her great sacrifice. While others gave more money, Jesus said her sacrifice was greater even though the giving report seem to indicate otherwise. The widow gave out of her poverty, while the others gave out of their surplus.
So often, what we view as insignificant or lesser in value, Jesus views as significant and having great value. That’s the difference between the view of imperfection (ours) and the view of perfection (Jesus’). Jesus sees intentions. We see actions and hear words. We can only see the tangible, while Jesus sees the state of the heart.
Comparisons create a dangerous drama in this idea of significance. They steal our focus by creating an insatiable desire for the unobtainable more. Along with comparisons come unrealistic and/or too numerous of expectations, which create an even more distorted view and magnify our already imperfect view of ourselves. We compare ourselves and what we have or don’t have to what others have or don’t have, and we develop expectations about what we need to have, do or be to be successful. We often decide we are successful because we have done more than someone else. In other words, we base our value based on WHO we are rather than WHOSE we are.
Instead, through the eyes of perfection, we realize that Jesus only asks for what we have to give. Through our imperfect view, we compare ourselves to others and think we need to do and be more. Through the eyes of perfection, our Heavenly Father sees us as acceptable just as we are right now.
When you realize that your value and worth come from a Heavenly Father looking at you through the perfection of Jesus, all comparisons and expectations fall away as glorifying Him becomes your primary focus. The fact that you…
- Are an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ (Romans 8)
- Have a crown that will last forever (1 Corinthians 9:25)
- Are a treasured possession (Exodus 19:5)
…can be an infinitely more powerful motivator than any expectation or comparison.
In this culture where comparisons and expectations create an overloaded and unrealistic view of who you need to be to feel valued, deliberately choose to focus on He who gives you your value simply because He loves you. You need to do nothing but accept what He freely offers, and then you will be His child forever.
" That’s the difference between the view of imperfection (ours) and the view of perfection (Jesus’). Jesus sees intentions. We see actions and hear words. We can only see the tangible, while Jesus sees the state of the heart."
"In this culture where comparisons and expectations create an overloaded and unrealistic view of who you need to be to feel valued, deliberately choose to focus on He who gives you your value simply because He loves you."
Love this, Kari! Thanks for much needed words of encouragement.
Kari Scare
So glad you are encouraged by this today. Focusing on Him is always the answer.
Great words Kari and some decent exegesis 🙂 Continually trying to find value and worth in Christ rather than looking to others to fill that. Thanks for the encouragement and great post!
Kari Scare
Thank you. Wasn't necessarily going for the exegisis (wasn't not either). Just being obedient and speaking from the heart. Thanks again for the encouragement and for taking the time to read my bog.
Loren Pinilis
Wow, that's great wisdom. It's so important for us to look at God correctly, so that we look at ourselves correctly. And I think that's something that we all struggle with in one way or another. I need to be reminded that God looks at my intentions, my heart, my effort – even if the results don't end up perfectly.
Kari Scare
Just read about God the Creator for my Bible study this morning and how He is the Potter, and we are the clay, and this sort of adds another dimension to seeing ourselves through His perfect eyes. He createad us and gives us a purpose, and knowing that really is all we need. Should be anyway.
I like your comment on how God fills in the gaps of our imperfection. We have to be open to receive HIS love for us in order for us to love ourselves.