Spectator or Follower?
Understanding the parts of The Great Commission expanded my view of how its directives should live in my life. The inescapable aspect of it, for me, is a draw towards teaching.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
The church is pretty good at focusing on making and baptizing, but sometimes, the “teach” part seems neglected. We’re pretty good at encouraging being servants, too, also an important part of being a disciple.
Making, baptizing, and serving are crucial elements of the Christian walk. Unfortunately, they don’t always result in spiritual growth. Involvement in church does not necessary translate into spiritual growth and maturity.
Said another way, the goal is to develop faithful followers of Christ instead of individuals who participate in Christianity like it’s a spectator sport.
“What the Church needs to do is to make disciples, to grow people in the faith, not be spectators. We must teach them what Christians believe and how to live out these doctrines in all of life. Church leaders need to examine whether they are making disciples and encouraging holy living.” (What Non-Christians Really Think of Us)
Becoming Teachers
While not everyone holds a formal teaching position and not everyone may be described as a “gifted” teacher, every Christian should teach others. We do this by living out our faith and having conversations that move from the external, to the internal, then to the eternal.
We move from being spectators to teachers by getting deeper into God’s word, which increases our intimacy with him. As this happens, we are naturally drawn to deepening our conversations in this way.
To be teachers, we must first be students. Thus, learning is an essential part of fulfilling the Great Commission, too.
Great post, Kari! I will be getting Dan's book soon and sharing it with my son after I read it!
Kari Scare
Thanks, Chris. Let me know what you & your son think!
Good post Kari. I think when a person stops reading and learning he stops growing. A person cannot be a teacher, a pastor, or a leader of any kind unless he continues learning. it is exciting to me to see lifelong followers of Jesus still wanting to learn and grow.
Kari Scare
Thanks, Bill. I obviously agree. One motivation I have for visibly showing my desire to learn and grow involves encouraging my pastor. I am glad to hear from your perspective as a pastor that this does encourage you.
Great post and timely. In 2 weeks, I'm headed to Texas to take on a new role as an associate pastor with an emphasis on adult and youth discipleship. Thanks for the recommendations and the insights.
Kari Scare
Wow, Tom! That's quite a change in locale! Praying for success in this new endeavor. Hope to still hear from you from time to time.
The Internet makes the connection possible anywhere there's WIFI. Last I knew, WIFI was still available in Texas. 😉
Kari Scare
Was referring more to your availability than locale issues; although, Texas can be pretty remote in places 🙂
One thing I've always loved about teaching is that I learn so much while I'm preparing. Good teachers always benefit most from what they learn as they strive to help others grow. I agree with you Kari, it's the same with faith and discipleship. We can't follow the great commission in making disciples if we're not following ourselves. This sounds like a great book!
Kari Scare
We must set the example for sure, Deb. It was definitely a good book. I like the review of the basics in such a practical way.
Melanie Wilson
Interesting questions. I think we're all called to teach and to lead, but in different ways. We can teach and lead by example, rather than in a formal role. And, like it, or not we do.
Kari Scare
Exactly right, Melanie. We don't have to have a formal role or position to be teachers or leaders. And, being in a formal position or role doesn't mean we're no longer students & followers. And yes, it definitely happens in different ways based on the seasons of life.
Mark Allman
I do think the we all are teachers. It is a sacred trust. How do we handle this responsibility? I always teach a subject better or a skill if I have been a good student of the subject or skill. I think we need to look for teaching opportunities and use them wisely. What scares me is the time we are teaching and we don't know it. The times we are being watched to see how we respond to something; for how we live teaches a great deal. Perhaps that is the essence of teaching and that it how we are living.
Kari Scare
A "sacred trust" is a great way to put it. Being a perpetual student is something I think every person needs to have going in some way, shape or form. The teaching and leading times that happen when we don't know it are often the most crucial ones, too. That being the case, we need to realize that we are always teaching and leading and therefore must always be learning & following. It must be a lifestyle.
Dusty Rayburn
As I write and teach, I am continuously impressed with God's work speaking to me, correcting me, challenging me. If this were not the case, I do not think I should teach. I would only have head knowledge without any actual experience.
As you have emphasized in a recent post and in conversations, as followers of Christ, our relationship with Him must come first. Only then does everything else fit into the right perspective.
Kari Scare
God definitely is the primary teacher and leader in my life. I'm amazed at the number of different ways He teaches & leads me. He makes it possible for me to do what I do as well. Our relationship with Him is absolutely a key.
I love these questions Kari! First I would say that too many Christians are simply spectators in the Great Commission. In fact I have been guilty of that too many times. Just because you carry the title of pastor, teacher, missionary (all titles I have) doesn't mean that you are automatically faithful in these areas.
I find that I have to constantly check myself with God's Word, analyze my behavior and my attitude and ask God to make me willing to do his will.
Kari Scare
You’re so right. Position has nothing to do with it. Diligence & intentionality are so important for anyone to be an effective Godly leader.
Dave Arnold
Hi Kari! I recently discovered your blog from Bill's site. I am also friend's with Dan Black, and was privileged to read his book and do a blog book review for him. And I also live in Michigan! Although I am not originally from MI, my wife is, and so it's pretty much become home to me. We live in Dearborn, MI. Anyway, love your thoughts in this post. I think the Great Commission is talked about a lot, from many different pulpits, but sadly, that's all it is – talk. The Great Commission, however, is about action, about movement. It's something I think the church can different improve on. God bless!
Kari Scare
Always fun to know where a new connection comes from. We live in Three Rivers, MI, so not very far from you at all. Makes the connection even cooler! The Great Commission is not just talk for many preachers but Christians in general. We need to get beyond talk & start living what we’re saying. But it starts with the individual, and I need to take responsibility for my part in it. The Holy Spirit is really working on me to step it up in this (and other) areas.
I totally agree about more churches needing to equip and teach people after they have committed to serve the Lord! Each church member must be intentional about doing their part to spread the Gossip and equip those they have lead to the Lord.
Thank you for mentioning my book:) I'm so glad you kids read and enjoyed it, that really blesses my heart.
Kari Scare
More intentionality in this area is definitely needed. I plan on stepping up my part as led by the Spirit. Hope all is going well with your book!
I totally agree about more churches needing to equip and teach people after they have committed to serve the Lord! Each church member must be intentional about doing their part to spread the Gossip and equip those they have lead to the Lord.
Thank you for mentioning my book:) I'm so glad you kids read and enjoyed it, that really blesses my heart.
TC Avey
Thought provoking post, Kari. It's a topic that has been plaguing me as well. I feel as if many churches fall short of teaching people how to follow Christ, how to be a disciple and how to share their faith. They seem to focus more on the initial salvation (good thing to do) and then on plugging them into programs inside the church. But the church will not grow if we simply wait for the world to step through our doors, we must go outside the church walls!
A good book that really sparked this fire inside me is, "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He made me approach my walk with God from a whole new perspective. He challenged me to do more than my fellow Christians who were satisfied with the status quo. Not saying all Christians are like that, just many that I know.
Kari Scare
Your description is a good one. I see even my own church as good at receiving & welcoming people, plugging them in and then not being able to help them grow as disciples. Now, a lot of that is on the individual, but I do think the church can promote this in a way that makes it as important as getting plugged in. The Bonhoeffer book is on my "To Read" shelf on Goodreads. I need to giddyup on my reading!
Loren Pinilis
I think a lot of the issue depends on your definition of teaching. If you mean formal teaching of scripture in a group setting, I don't think that everyone is called necessarily to do that. If you define teaching as just doing life together in community, teaching your kids, etc. – then yes, I would say that everyone is called.
Kari Scare
Exactly. And I completely agree.