In a world of constant change, people cry out for control. They vie for power over others and seek mastery over themselves because they feel so very little – if any – control over their lives. “The only constant is change,” they say, and seek to find some influence over the way change impacts them or a way to have it influence them in as few ways as possible. Routines. Habits. Mindsets. If they can keep those the same, the world doesn’t feel so unstable.

This seeking of control happened outside of my awareness for a long time. Gradually, I came to see that creating my own stability by trying to control others and even by self-control was a vain pursuit. Why? Because I’m seeking stability in the unstable. I’m looking for power and mastery in the wrong places; I’m looking for them in things and people that are unreliable, unstable, and insecure.

While my life and the world around me constantly change, God never does. I can always trust him. He will never let me down. He knows the big picture, and I can have peace in this unstable world because I know he is good.

“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the people of his heart through all generations.” (Psalm 33:11)

“But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” (Psalm 102:27)

One reason I read the Old Testament – and enjoy doing so – is because it reminds me of the immutability of God. It reminds me that though people are fickle, God is always the same. His character. His faithfulness. His justice. His purposes. No matter the attitude, actions, and words of people, he’s stable and constant.

“The Lord is trustworthy in all his promises and faithful in all he does.” (Psalm 145:43)

The ways God moved in people’s lives and circumstances thousands of years ago is not a thing of the past. He’s still the same God. Learning about his activity in their lives – and Jesus’ activity in the New Testament – helps me recognize that activity in my life, too.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

How does the unchanging nature of God bring peace into my life today? How can I see his consistent character more? By remembering that he is constant. My current situation is not. He’s always the same. My circumstances won’t be. My kids. My health. My friendships. They will not always be exactly as they are right now. He will be though, and that truth helps me to understand that change is not the only constant.

In this unstable, always-changing life, God is my stability. In a world where good is hard to define let alone find, he works for my good (Romans 8:28). He’s dependable and consistent because he is unchangeable. His purposes are always fulfilled. His promises are always kept. His perfections never cease. He is unchangeableness in a constantly changing world.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)